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On the edge of the previous millennium, a red van converted into a camper van drove from the Netherlands to Portugal, containing two idiosyncratic people. Without well-defined plans, but with ideas; ignorant of what the future will bring. They travelled around for a year, then stayed at various locations for a further two years, the choice then fell on a place they gave the name 'Arte no Pendor' (Art on the Slope). They started building, gardens were laid out, animals came. 


Arte no Pendor was far from complete when Tony left in mid-2009. Anir continued to work on the unfinished plan and in the meantime maintained everything that had been realised. Taking care of the chickens, dogs, cats, gardens, house and the immediate area. Thrown back to oneself. In order to not lose everything in the soup of daily activities, she started – the Photo Diary 2010 –, which will hopefully be completed by the end of 2020. 


A basic life, being close to the origins of the works from a previous existence. Flooding, drought, fires, acting, wondering, understanding, tilting, trial and error.

The art of living.


Photo Diary 2010  (still in progress)

Check out the latest work
* Black Hole * 
see objects
Black Hole 3.jpg
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